Panama Canal slashes capacity again
From 1 March 2023, all air carriers, freight forwarders, express couriers, and postal operators involved in the transportation of goods by air to or through the EU1 must provide a complete set of Entry Summary Declaration data on the goods, prior to their arrival at the EU external border. They must do this through the ICS2 system, which is gradually replacing the EU's existing Import Control System (ICS) between 2021 and 2024. Air carriers currently filing advance cargo information into the Import Control System (ICS) will fully phase out from that system as soon as they start filing this data into ICS2.
In case economic operators are not ready to comply, they need to request to start filing into ICS2 later during the time-limited deployment window. They should do this through the Member State where the EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) number of the economic operator which will be used for the advance cargo information filing is registered. The deployment window, if granted, allows the economic operators to become operationally ready for ICS2 Release 2 after 1 March 2023. However, to ensure a smooth transition from Release 1 to Release 2, and to facilitate trade operations, the deployment window for each business model and the order in which different types of economic operators connect to ICS2 Release 2 will be aligned across all Member States, as defined in the relevant transition strategy. Member States can grant the deployment window up until 2 October 2023.
If economic operators are not ready by the set deadline and do not provide the data required under the ICS2 system, consignments and freight will be stopped at the EU borders where customs authorities will not clear the goods in question.
For more information
More information about ICS2 and Release 2 is available on the European Commission's webpage.
Operators carrying goods on maritime and inland waterways and roads and railways.
Release 3 becomes effective on 1 March 2024 (currently being reviewed under the UCC Work Programme). You can find information about the transition from ICS2 Release 2 to Release 3 is available on the European Commission's webpage.
Operators must complete the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) dataset for all goods in these transport sectors, including when bringing postal and express consignments into the European Union.
More precisely:
Maritime, road and rail carriers will have to submit ENS data to ICS2. This includes postal and express carriers who transport goods using these modes of transport as well as other parties, such as logistic providers issuing transport documents to their clients and - in certain circumstances - also final consignees established in the EU, who will have to submit ENS data to ICS2.
To meet their ENS data filing obligations, operators will need to update and overhaul their IT systems and business process and provide adequate training to their staff. Additionally, they will have to run the mandatory self-conformance testing before their start of operation. For the detailed procedure, please check the Self-conformance testing which can be found on the European Commission's webpage as well.
For more information about the technical preparation for Release 3, you will find more information in the documentation available here.
- 1 July 2023: Connectivity testing (mandatory)
- 1 December 2023: Functional testing (mandatory)
- 1 March 2024: ICS2 Release 3 goes live (currently being reviewed under the UCC Work Programme)
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